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70. Geometridae
Ennominae: Thorns, Beauties, Umbers & Allies (70.205-70.295)
Ennominae: Thorns, Beauties, Umbers & Allies (70.205-70.295)
70.205 Magpie, Abraxas grossulariata
70.206 Clouded Magpie, Abraxas sylvata
70.207 Clouded Border, Lomaspilis marginata
70.208 Scorched Carpet, Ligdia adustata
70.211 Peacock Moth, Macaria notata
70.212 Sharp-angled Peacock, Macaria alternata
70.214 Tawny-barred Angle, Macaria liturata
70.215 The V-moth, Macaria wauaria
70.218 Latticed Heath Chiasmia clathrata
70.221 Little Thorn Cepphis advenaria
70.222 Brown Silver-line, Petrophora chlorosata
70.223 Barred Umber, Plagodis pulveraria
70.224 Scorched Wing, Plagodis dolobraria
70.226 Brimstone Moth, Opisthograptis luteolata
70.227 Bordered Beauty, Epione repandaria
70.229 Speckled Yellow, Pseudopanthera macularia
70.230 Orange Moth, Angerona prunaria
70.231 Lilac Beauty, Apeira syringaria
70.233 August Thorn, Ennomos quercinaria
70.234 Canary-shouldered Thorn, Ennomos alniaria
70.235 Dusky Thorn, Ennomos fuscantaria
70.237 Early Thorn, Selenia dentaria
70.238 Lunar Thorn, Selenia lunularia
70.240 Scalloped Hazel, Odontoptera bidentata
70.241 Scalloped Oak, Crocallis elinguaria
70.243 Swallow-tailed Moth, Ourapteryx sambucaria
70.244 Feathered Thorn, Colotois pennaria
70.245 March Moth, Alsophila aescularia
70.247 Pale Brindled Beauty, Phigalia pilosaria
70.248 Brindled Beauty, Lycia hirtaria
70.250 Belted Beauty, Lycia zonaria
70.251 Oak Beauty, Biston strataria
70.252 Peppered Moth, Biston betularia
70.253 Spring Usher, Agriopis leucophaearia
70.254 Scarce Umber, Agriopis aurantiaria
70.255 Dotted Border, Agriopis marginaria
70.256 Mottled Umber, Erannis defoliaria
70.258 Willow Beauty, Peribatodes rhomboidaria
70.262 Bordered Grey, Selidosema brunnearia
70.263 Ringed Carpet, Cleora cinctaria
70.264 Satin Beauty, Deileptenia ribeata
70.265 Mottled Beauty, Alcis repandata
70.266 Dotted Carpet, Alcis jubata
70.268 Pale Oak Beauty, Hypomecis punctinalis
70.270 Engrailed, Ectropis crepuscularia
70.272 Square Spot, Paradarisa consonaria
70.274 Grey Birch, Aethalura punctulata
70.275 Common Heath, Ematurga atomaria
70.276 Bordered White, Bupalus piniaria
70.277 Common White Wave, Cabera pusaria
70.278 Common Wave, Cabera exanthemata
70.279 White-pinion Spotted, Lomographa bimaculata
70.280 Clouded Silver, Lomographa temerata
70.282 Early Moth, Theria primaria
70.283 Light Emerald, Campaea margaritata
70.284 Barred Red, Hylaea fasciaria
70.285 Scotch Annulet, Gnophos obfuscata
70.286 Irish Annulet, Odonthognophos dumetata
70.287 Annulet, Charissa obscurata
70.288 Brussels Lace, Cleorodes lichenaria
70.292 Grey Scalloped Bar, Dyscia fagaria
70.293 Straw Belle, Aspitates gilvaria
70.295 Grass Wave Perconia strigillaria
Photos 1 - 63 of 63
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