Terms & Conditions

1.       Users may only upload images for which they own the rights and copyright of images remains strictly with the photographer/owner of the images. Images will be removed from any albums should the owner request the same.

2.       Uploading images gives automatic consent for those images to be used in the MothsIreland species gallery if they are of a high enough quality or particularly desirable in terms of rarity etc.

3.       All images uploaded to the Gallery are to be Lepidoptera based, i.e. moth images. Any images that are not pertinent to the gallery or are inappropriate will be removed and membership of the user may be withdrawn.

4.       MothsIreland will endeavour to ensure that the best range of the most useful images is available in each species album and as such, user’s images may be added or removed without prior consent.

5.       MothsIreland cannot be held accountable for content uploaded by users.

6.       The MothsIreland Gallery is not a storage facility and users should ensure they retain their original images.

7.       Terms of Use may be revised without prior notice by posting the new terms on the MothsIreland Gallery website.

8.       Failure to observe the Terms of Use and good etiquette may lead to withdrawal of membership rights

Gallery Stats

  • Version: 3.1.2
  • Albums: 1536
  • Photos: 7435
  • Hits: 5251346

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