MothsIreland Distribution Maps.(Provisional)
The MothsIreland database was initiated in 2007 and now contains more than 500,000 records. These records make up the more than 1,400 distribution maps representing nearly all the species recorded in Ireland.

The species lists are divided in macro (larger moths) and micro (smaller moths) lists. The quality of data represented in the macro moth maps is excellent, whereas the micro moths maps should be treated as guidance. Validating of the micro moth records is an ongoing process. We are indebted to CEDaR for forwarding on the Northern Ireland macro moth dataset for inclusion in these maps. The Northern Ireland micro-moth records will be included during 2014. We also work closely with the National Biodiversity Data Centre. With their assistance some important datasets have been digitised.

<<<-----------Use the search function or the various lists to locate species. This will only work for macro moths

The search uses whole words, but will give "hints" if a part word is entered.

An explanation page details the various items in the atlas. This is also a link in the footer to this page.

It is planned to depict photos and provide a text summary for many if not most species.

Map Explanation
©Angus Tyner 2007    Map produced by MapMate using Digital Map Data (c) Bartholomew 2003